
Why Is Meghan Markle the Perfect Wife for Prince Harry? – The Cheat Sheet

Prince Harry is one of the most handsome men that we know, so it comes as no surprise that he dated quite a bit before he met his wife, Meghan Markle. Once known as the world’s most eligible bachelor, the red-headed prince is a favorite of many around the world. Before he and Meghan became the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, there were women, some rumored and some confirmed, that he dated. 

From supposed fling Natalie Pinkham to on again, off again Chelsy Davy, there were some special women in Harry‘s life. However, fans can agree that Meghan and Harry are a perfect match!

Meghan is used to the spotlight

Having risen to fame in the world of acting, Meghan is certainly no stranger to cameras and millions of fans. Long before she was Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan was used to being recognized wherever she went, signing autographs, and being photographed.

Although the media spotlight is a little more intense now that she’s officially a member of the royal family, it isn’t something that Meghan has to get used to. This undoubtedly made it a little easier to transition into her role as the Duchess of Sussex.

She reinforces good habits for Harry

Harry was a little bit of a wild child before he met Meghan, and now that they are together, she has been a wonderful influence. Apparently, Meghan has gotten Harry to cut back on drinking, partying, and she has even convinced him to give up cigarettes. Meghan also loves to eat healthily and is a fabulous cook, so everyone can be sure that Harry is following a nutritious diet at all times.

The royal family is thrilled that Harry has fallen in love with someone with such a wonderful lifestyle that he has adapted to.

Meghan brings a modern twist to the royal family

Meghan enjoys marching to the beat of her own drum and even dares to break the rules on occasion! She brings quite the refreshing change to the royal family, a group that has been set in their ways for many years.

We can often see Meghan going her own way a little bit and even going against royal protocol, something that no other royal tends to do. It is wonderful to see Harry with someone who is not necessarily traditional, and who enjoys expressing her beliefs in everything that she does.

Meghan is independent

Meghan created her own fame long before she was a royal! Fans know that she is famous in her own right, and it happened years before she was introduced to her prince. Meghan is a hard worker, and she has an extremely strong work ethic, making her the perfect person to be married to Prince Harry.

He certainly knows that he can always count on her to carry out her royal duties as expected, doing what is in the best interest of not only the two of them as a couple but also for the entire royal family!

Why is Meghan the perfect wife for Prince Harry?

All of these amazing qualities work together to make Meghan the perfect wife for Harry! The couple is as perfect a match as any two people could possibly be, and just about everyone can clearly see that. They truly love each other and are always there to support each other.

We know that Meghan loves being Harry’s wife, and is so happy to be with someone that she deeply connects with, and Harry feels the same way about her! Now that baby Sussex will be arriving shortly, they are about to become the perfect little family!

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