Tech & Gaming

Fallout 76 patch notes: bug fixes, Stash size increase and more – Polygon

Fallout 76’s next patch, out Dec. 4, will fix a ton of bugs that have plagued the game since its Nov. 14 launch, as well as deliver an enhanced Stash size and other quality-of-life adjustments, according to patch notes that developer Bethesda Game Studios published Friday.

The enhanced Stash (now 600, was 400) requested almost immediately by Fallout 76 players, was announced on Monday when Bethesda Softworks acknowledged the game’s slipshod launch and poor reception. So was a fix for the loot dropped by boss-level characters; they will now drop between two and four items, of quality commensurate to the enemy’s difficulty and level.

Other highlights that players will be relieved to hear: Automatic weapon damage will receive a badly needed boost, by 20 percent (which still may not be enough, to be honest). A glitch where enemies health bars and call-outs persisted on screen when they were no longer in view will also be corrected. So will problems at the CAMP, where stored items weren’t showing up and turrets disappeared once damaged beyond a functioning state (both of which happened to me).

Fallout 76 is also getting an AFK notice, sort of, in that players will be disconnected from the server after 10 minutes of inactivity, with a one-minute timer warning issued beforehand. Players who die while over-encumbered will also be able to respawn at their nearest discovered location instead of just back at Vault 76.

And, of course, “the Fallout 76 game client and servers have received additional stability improvements.”

Version for PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One will roll out Dec. 4, with another, meatier patch to follow on Dec. 11. That one will include additional settings for PC, a respeccing option for players’ SPECIALs once they go above level 50, and other CAMP improvements.

Fallout 76 opened to nonplussed reactions during a two-week beta in late October and early November, and the launch dragged poor review scores and disappointed players into the mix. We’ve been as frustrated as any fan with Fallout 76, seeing plenty of potential for Fallout’s first multiplayer entry but unable to ignore its many shortcomings.

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