Tech & Gaming

GameStop offers a Nintendo Switch bundle that will ship by April 30 – Polygon

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Nintendo Switch consoles are incredibly hard to find right now. Major retailers like Amazon and Walmart are sold out of both the standard console and the handheld-only Switch Lite, and when Best Buy briefly restocked its supply of Switch systems on Tuesday the consoles sold out almost immediately. (Though as of this writing, the Switch Lite is still available at Best Buy.)

GameStop, it seems, is taking a different approach, offering “pre-orders” for a Nintendo Switch bundle that it promises will ship by April 30.

GameStop’s bundle includes a standard Switch, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a digital copy of Minecraft, and a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller for $499.99. The combined retail price of all five items is $519.95, a savings of just under $20. Given that and Amazon resellers are selling just the Switch itself for upward of $500, this is unfortunately the best (and really only) Nintendo Switch deal available right now.

The increased demand for video game hardware as social distancing forces us all indoors combined with Nintendo’s supply issues means that GameStop’s bundle may very well be your best best for picking up a Nintendo Switch anytime soon. Unless, of course, you get lucky and happen to be searching for a Switch at the exact moment Nintendo releases a new shipment.

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