New Red Dead Online updates coming to PS4 and Xbox (Image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)
More Red Dead Redemption 2 updates are coming to the PS4 and Xbox One in the coming weeks, with a few surprise rumours also surfacing.
PS4 and Xbox One gamers recently saw a new Showdown Mode go live in Red Dead Online, which will be followed by another very soon.
In Up in Smoke, all players start with an explosive package and each successful delivery to the opposing team’s base will detonate a piece of their camp.
This drip-feeding of new content is expected to continue during April and will be followed by a much larger Spring expansion.
But while fans may know what might be coming next on PS4 and Xbox One, they may have been surprised by a recent rumour concerning Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC.
A recent online report suggested that Red Dead 2 could be coming as an exclusive title for the Epic Game Store.
Such a move would prove controversial, as it has with other big titles like Borderlands 3.
The report states that the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 would be announced later this month.
And part of that surprising reveal would be that the single-player campaign and Red Dead Online, would be available only on the Epic Game Store.
There were also some claims made about how Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive had worked out a more profitable deal with Epic, meaning the game would never come to Steam.
However, since this appeared online, more information has been shared that shows this information in a new light. The same source posted similar messages about other games which made it seem like it was more of a trolling exercise than an actual reveal.
And based on how fans feel about other Epic Game Store exclusives, it would make sense that RDR2 would only pour fuel onto the fire.
So it appears, for now, no shock deals will be announced by Rockstar Games. They will, however, be offering up new details on their upcoming Spring expansion.
As mentioned above, a smaller content update is expected to land next week, expanding the Showdown Modes and adding new cosmetic items.
This will include the new Plunder mode, which is expected to arrive in April, along with a few new weapons and items.
The good news is that Rockstar has said that their big Spring expansion will arrive before the end of June. The bad news is we don’t know exactly when.
May seems like the most plausible date for such a big update, but it all depends on how much resources are being used to make it happen.
New Red Dead Redemption 2 rumours surfaced this week (Image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)
Rockstar has confirmed that more ‘A Land of Opportunities’ Missions will be part of the update, where fans will get to continue Jessica LeClerk’s search for revenge as you explore the path of a Gunslinger or an Outlaw.
This will launch alongside new Free Roam Mission givers and mission types, with Rockstar hinting at some single player cameos.
Red Dead Online is set in the years before the single player story so expect to encounter a range of new and familiar faces, they have warned.
Rockstar is also planning to expand the dynamic events that can occur in Red Dead Online, meaning fighting off ambushes, initiating rescues and defending folks in need.
There’s also rumours that new tables games might be coming to Red Dead Online on PS4 and Xbox One.
However, until Rockstar announce their plans for the popular Wild West shooter, these reports have to be taken with a big pinch of salt.