The review embargo for The Last Of Us Part 2 was lifted on Friday the 12th, one week before the game’s June 19th release on PlayStation 4.
According to Metacritic, Naughty Dog’s latest is a critical darling, nabbing a 96/100 and earning numerous gushing accolades from reviewers calling it not only the best game of the generation, but perhaps even the best game ever made.
Now I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade in this post, but there are a couple of things I think readers should be aware of beyond all the gushing and praise as they decide whether or not to pick this game up next week.
First off, the review embargo itself is quite strict. While most video game embargoes contain some kind of restrictions on what you can talk about or use in video footage, this one forbids any discussion of the second half of the game and limits video footage to just three scenes.
The final 12 hours or so are completely off-limits, so the things that reviewers liked or disliked about that portion of the game can only be discussed vaguely. I understand wanting to keep spoilers out of reviews as much as possible, but this strikes me as more than a little over-the-top.
Whether or not this leaves something important out is impossible to say since I haven’t played the game. Here at Forbes, we did not receive a review code for The Last Of Us Part 2 (nor were we told why) so I’m unable to offer up any analysis or impressions. I would not have been able to talk about the second half of the game anyways, thanks to the embargo (which not only prevents discussion of the game’s ending, but also its beginning).
So we’re left with a very big, roughly 12-hour question mark, with some reviewers saying that whether or not you like the game may come down to what happens during the section they’re not able to talk about. Others note that the game’s best bits are in this embargoed stretch.
Second, and arguably more importantly, some reviewers (even those who ultimately liked the game) found the violence extreme to the point of questioning whether they could even finish playing. Since this game is somewhere between 25 and 30 hours long, you can see how that could be a problem.
And it’s not just the violence. Some critics are calling the story needlessly bleak, its characters completely changed from the first game, and its story riddled with plot holes. Let’s take a look at some of the more critical reviews, if only to get more information than “Best Game Ever 10/10!”
Note also, many of the reviews I’ll be quoting don’t include review scores—in other words, some of the most critical reviews out there don’t impact the final Metacritic score at all, for better or worse.
Relentlessly Bleak
I’ve always felt a little uncomfortable with the idea of a sequel. The Last Of Us had a damn near perfect ending, one of the best (and most ambiguous and unsettling) I’ve ever encountered. If nothing else, a sequel means that ending is no longer actually an ending. The story picks up years later, and according to every thing I’ve read and watched, the characters have changed. Ellie, in particular, has become someone else entirely.
In SkillUp’s excellent review of The Last Of Us Part 2, the YouTuber compares Ellie and her story in The Last Of Us 2 to Daenerys Targaryen in the final season of Game of Thrones. That’s a deeply unflattering comparison and he means for it to be. Watch the whole video below, but some big takeaways for me are:
- Character choices and plot holes were so bad throughout that at times he would laugh out loud.
- The game is 25 hours long and one section feels like a 10-hour side-quest. He says he would not have finished it had he not been reviewing.
- There are improvements to graphics, combat and exploration but enemy AI is still very bad.
- The story is relentlessly bleak, there are no likable characters and no comic relief and everything you liked about the characters in the first game is gone.
- There are very few interesting scripted/cinematic scenes and the game is far too long and boring.
- On the plus side, it has the best difficulty settings fine-tuning ever and looks gorgeous.
And so on and so forth—here’s the video review, which I highly recommend you watch:
Some reviewers seem to have actively disliked the game but are still glad they played it, like Andrew Webster at The Verge:
“The Last of Us Part II isn’t fun,” Webster writes. “Over the game’s 20-hour runtime, I often found myself wanting to quit because the violence became unbearable. I didn’t want to bash that lunging dog with a hammer or slice at that defenseless woman with a knife. I certainly didn’t want to watch a religious zealot’s head explode into a grisly cloud because of my well-placed shotgun blast. There are scenes so upsetting that they didn’t just make me uncomfortable; they made me question why I was playing this game at all.”
The very next paragraph, Webster admits that “I’m glad I pushed through — because those dark, disturbing moments are what make The Last of Us Part II so powerful. It’s not just a game about violence. It’s one that grapples with the impact of that violence and shows players the consequences.”
While Webster found the examination of violence and its consequences powerful, other reviewers disagreed.
Polygon’s Maddy Myers has a very interesting discussion of the game’s violence and worldview. She compares the game to what she sees in the real world, as people band together and work to help one another during a time of crisis and pandemic. In The Last Of Us 2, however, people are always at their very worst.
“The Last of Us Part 2 depicts individual people who are instead ruthless, capable, yet self-absorbed, and whose perception of violence is limited to how it affects them and their chosen family members,” Myers writres. “They are almost unbelievably unable to see the bigger picture. Part 2 ends up feeling needlessly bleak, at a time when a nihilistic worldview has perhaps never been less attractive. Its characters are surviving, but they’re not learning, and they’re certainly not making anything better.
“Maybe the most surprising thing that The Last of Us Part 2 offered me was the surety that, while the game was made with great skill and craft, we are actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are.”
The game, Myers writes, bashes players over the head with its message that violence is wrong.
“I don’t have any problem empathizing with the people who I’m asked to kill in video games. The Last of Us Part 2 must think I’ll struggle with it, though, since it doles out all sorts of reasons why I should feel regret about the murder spree its characters have embarked upon. But the game’s larger problem is that the characters themselves don’t ever seem able to catch up with me.
“What’s worse is that the characterization of Ellie makes it seem like she should also understand this part of the journey. I kept expecting her to grow and turn away from a life of constant violence, but she never picks up on the obvious didactic nature of the game she’s in, even as the designers beat you over the head with a very simple lesson about the value of human life.”
I find that very interesting when you juxtapose it with SkillUp’s Daenerys comparison.
Even game director Neil Druckmann says the game isn’t meant to be fun, saying in an interview that “For us, with The Last of Us specifically (Uncharted is a little different in our creative approaches), we don’t use the word ‘fun.’ We say ‘engaging,’ and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us.”
While I can see how a grimdark game like this might not be particularly “fun” in the same way as Marvel’s Spider-Man, relentlessly bleak doesn’t sound particularly engaging either. The first game had likable characters who often had touching or humorous interactions despite the dire straits they found themselves in. Ellie represented hope and had a fun, fiery personality that played really well against Joel’s gruffness.
But that’s all over now, Baby Blue. This is a game about vengeance and murder, the darkness of humanity and the ways it breaks us.
Time’s Eliana Dockterman found the violence numbing in the end, writing that “if Naughty Dog’s intent was to shock, leaning so heavily on the violence has the opposite effect: 30 hours into the game, it’s easy to grow numb to acts of cruelty. That awe-inducing scenery and careful character-building is lost in macabre action. And while the violence of the first game served a compelling moral tale, the over-the-top bloodshed of Part II is all in service of a rather clichéd and tiresome lesson about the endless cycle of revenge. The banter that elevated the first game above mere dystopian fantasy is gone too, as Ellie often navigates this ultra-violent world on her own. It makes for a lonely, depressing experience at a moment when many of us are already feeling lonely and depressed.”
Kotaku’s Riley MacLeod wasn’t just numbed by the violence, he became angry after a while, wondering to himself “if the developers thought I was stupid, if they thought the existence of violence had just never occurred to me before.”
He talks about the profound experience he and a friend had playing the first game—the fun, the occasional humor, the great characters and how they play off one another, and the way it all ultimately spun together into emotionally stunning crescendo.
“The Last of Us 2 didn’t give me any moments like that,” MacLeod writes. “In the above-quoted video, Druckmann says the core of the game is about “these really intimate, intense relationships.” I bring this up not to quote the game’s marketing, but to try to understand what the people who made it thought they were doing. The story I experienced was about relationships only insofar as characters did things to each other. I didn’t learn anything about what it means to be human, or what we’re capable of when we’re hurt, or what can happen when we want to hurt others. The way Joel hurt Ellie in The Last of Us felt relatable to me; even if the fate of humanity has never hung in the balance, I know how it feels to make a desperate, selfish choice to hang on to something you love. The Last of Us 2’s amount of cruelty and violence ultimately overwhelmed any chance of that relatability here. I didn’t find it prurient—the game doesn’t relish in its gory deaths or emotional suffering. It just takes every opportunity to show them, over and over, and decides that counts as saying something about them. It showed me so much ugliness, and in such detail, that I felt numb as terrible things befell more characters I cared about. Sometimes I did these terrible things myself, through gameplay. Sometimes I just watched things play out in front of me with no say in the matter, a lack of agency that was so skillfully used in the first game. Neither circumstance felt more affecting than the other; both just felt like more. The game’s diversity, which I appreciated at the beginning, just felt like an equal opportunity for different kinds of people to suffer as the game went on. Eventually, my numbness turned to an anger I’ve never felt about a video game. Late one night, I paused the game and asked myself aloud if the developers thought I was stupid, if they thought the existence of violence had just never occurred to me before.”
MacLeod concludes: “It’s a visually beautiful game that feels distinct to play, and the story it tells and how it tells it, at the most basic level, certainly pushes the edges of what games have done before. None of those accomplishments elevated or redeemed it for me. Like the nature consuming Seattle, or the outbreak consuming humanity, its ugliness overshadowed everything else.”
Ouch. Much has been made of the game’s diversity, with Naughty Dog including people not traditionally seen or included in video games. To have MacLeod say that it “just felt like an equal opportunity for different kinds of people to suffer” is quite the damning statement. Then again, Druckmann himself has noted that even people within the studio questioned the game’s level of violence.
One more before we hit the road. This one is from Vice’s Rob Zacny, who argues that the game falls short of becoming a real tragedy because it only ever pretends at meaning.
“Anger and grief are understandable motivations at the start of a revenge quest,” he writes, “but The Last of Us 2 never follows-through on the work of exploring what sustains them past reason and scruple. That’s why it falls short of its ambitions of being a work of tragedy, despite roundly excellent performances by the cast. The characters’ motivations are easy enough to understand, but they’re also increasingly less compelling as the game drags on and the losses mount. It’s little wonder that some of the game’s best moments come during a major subplot that gives us respite from the vendettas—and characters—that drive most of the game’s action. The things that serve as the catalyst for a story aren’t always interesting reasons for its continuation, but that doesn’t stop The Last of Us 2 from revisiting the same traumas every time it needs to justify the next bloodbath, and hoping that the screams and gurgles of the dying will give it meaning.
“The Last of Us Part II feels complacent, yet also preoccupied with its predecessor. Every facet of the original game has been expanded and enlarged in the sequel, but not actually improved. It is as if its only inspiration is the original game, and the well of pop culture it was drawing from. There is practically nothing here we haven’t seen and done repeatedly throughout previous Naughty Dog games. It sets out to surpass its predecessor, but the only meaningful contrast between them is in its even more oppressive bleakness and violence. It digs two graves, fills them with blood, and then just fucking wallows in them.”
I suppose I’m conflicted after reading all of these and watching SkillUp’s video review. I’m always excited to play the next big game, but this really sounds like an unpleasant slog. In the Kotaku review, MacLeod talks about how characters make terrible, irredeemable choices over and over throughout the game, and this honestly stresses me out to think about.I really did love the first game and I hope the sequel doesn’t diminish my experience with the original, as sequels can sometimes.
So it’s a mixture of excitement and dread, I suppose, as the game approaches. It’s not really what I’d pick to play at the start of summer during a global pandemic amidst nationwide police reform / Black Lives Matter protests and during an already stressful election year where a great deal hangs in the balance. There’s enough pain and suffering and misery to go around these days. I’m not sure experiencing grueling suffering in a video game sounds like all that much fun in normal times, but it’s going to be even harder to stomach now.
The Last Of Us Part 2 comes to PS4 next Friday.